Bienvenidos a zettach -, respetamos su atención a la privacidad y le agradecemos su confianza y confianza en nosotros.
Esta Política de Privacidad explica cómo utilizamos la información personal que Zetatech recopila o genera tanto en relación con el sitio web y sus subdominios (“Sitio Web”) como con los productos y servicios de Zetatech. Su privacidad es importante para nosotros y nos comprometemos a mantener todos sus datos personales seguros.
Utilizamos las siguientes definiciones en esta política de privacidad:
· "zeta technology", "we" o "we" se refieren a zhongke co., ltd., una sociedad de responsabilidad limitada pública registrada en el número 88 de la calle gunan, zona de alta tecnología de chengdu, Provincia de sichuan, República Popular china, y sus filiales.
“Datos Personales” se refiere a cualquier dato relativo a un individuo vivo que pueda ser identificado a partir de esos datos o a partir de esos datos y otra información que esté en posesión de, o es probable que llegue a posesión de, Zetatech (o sus representantes o proveedores de servicios). Además de la información factual, incluye cualquier expresión de opinión sobre un individuo y cualquier indicación de las intenciones de Zetatech o cualquier otra persona con respecto a un individuo.
· "usted" se refiere a los usuarios de este sitio web y productos y servicios de zetatech.
Esta Política de Privacidad puede ser modificada, por ejemplo, como resultado de nuevas funcionalidades en el Sitio Web que requieren el tratamiento de datos personales. Por lo tanto, le aconsejamos que revise esta Política de Privacidad con regularidad. Cualquier cambio material será notificado a través del sitio web, correo electrónico u otros medios que consideremos apropiados.
1. ¿Cuándo se aplica esta Política de Privacidad?
Esta política de privacidad se aplica al tratamiento de la información obtenida a través del sitio web o la información que recibimos a través de nuestros productos y servicios.
¿2. ¿ qué datos personales Procesamos de usted?
Recopilaremos y Procesaremos sus siguientes datos personales:
i. Información proporcionada por usted a Zetatech
La naturaleza de los productos o servicios que usted está solicitando determinará el tipo de Datos Personales que podemos solicitar, aunque dicha información puede incluir (a través de una lista no exhaustiva):
Datos personales básicos como su nombre, apellido, dirección de correo electrónico, número de teléfono, datos de dirección (calle, número, código postal, ciudad, país) y otros datos de contacto personal.
· su comunicación con zetatech puede contener datos personales,
· su nombre y posición dentro de la empresa, su idioma preferido e información en relación con su contacto con Zetatech;
información sobre eventos o webinarios a los que desee asistir; y
Cualquier información que elija compartir en el Sitio Web o cuando se ponga en contacto con nosotros que pueda considerarse Datos Personales.
II. La información que recopilamos o generamos sobre usted.
Esto incluye (en forma de lista no exhaustiva):
cualquier información relativa a los productos o servicios de Zetatech comprados y/o utilizados en el Sitio Web y nuestras interacciones con usted;
un archivo con su historial de contactos;
información sobre su sesión y uso de Internet, incluyendo su dirección IP, las páginas que visita, el navegador que utiliza, los sitios web que visitó anteriormente, datos geográficos como su ubicación, su idioma preferido y la hora y duración de su visita;
· fotografías o videos tomados de usted en eventos de Zetatech;
información en relación con su cuenta de “myzetatech”, incluyendo un registro de su inicio de sesión, que incluye la fecha y hora, su nombre de inicio de sesión y el número único asignado a su cuenta.
iii. Información obtenida de terceros
Esto incluye:
· datos personales que nos proporcionan proveedores de servicios de terceros, agencias u otras fuentes públicas (si son aplicables);
· información de otras empresas del Grupo zetatech; Y
· información que nos proporcionan los distribuidores locales en términos de promociones o oportunidades de negocio.
3. Cookies
Cuando visita este sitio web, las cookies se utilizan para recopilar información técnica sobre los servicios que utiliza y cómo los utiliza. Para obtener más información sobre las cookies utilizadas, visite nuestra [política de cookies] [1].
¿4. ¿ con qué propósito Procesamos sus datos personales?
Podemos almacenar y procesar sus datos personales de las siguientes maneras y con los siguientes fines:
· revisar y mejorar continuamente la información proporcionada en el sitio web para garantizar que sea amigable con los usuarios y evitar cualquier posible interrupción o ciberataque;
para permitirle utilizar y acceder a la funcionalidad proporcionada por los productos y servicios de Zetatech;
· evaluar su solicitud de productos y servicios zetatech (si es aplicable);
· crear, gestionar y personalizar su cuenta "myzetatech";
· to process your requests for content or software (e.g. brochures or drivers)
· to conduct surveys;
· to process your online orders of Zetatech products;
· to provide service support for Zetatech products and to log tickets for technical questions;
· to register you for, and to organize and administer events or webinars;
· to process your application for our certified training program;
· to activate your license entitlement(s) for Zetatech products;
· to allow you to use Zetatech’s online tools.
· for statistical monitoring and analysis of current attacks on devices and systems and for the on-going adaptation of the solutions provided to secure devices and systems against current attacks;
· to understand feedback on Zetatech products and services and to help provide more information on the use of those products and services quickly and easily;
· to communicate with you to respond to your queries and to provide you with information about Zetatech and Zetatech products and services as well as any events, webinars or other news;
· for in-depth threat analysis;
· to understand your needs and interests;
· for the management and administration of our business;
· in order to comply with and in order to assess compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations, and internal policies and procedures; or
· for the administration and maintenance of databases storing Personal Data.
However, when we use your Personal Data, we make sure that the usage complies with law and the law allows us and requires us to use Personal Data for a variety of reasons. These include:
· we have obtained your consent;
· we have legal and regulatory obligations that we have to discharge;
· we may need to do so in order to establish, exercise or defend our legal rights or for the purpose of legal proceedings;
· the use of your Personal Data as described is necessary for our legitimate business interests, such as:
o allowing us to effectively and efficiently manage and administer the operation of our business;
o maintaining compliance with internal policies and procedures;
o monitoring the use of our copyrighted materials;
o for direct marketing;
o enabling quick and easy access to information on Zetatech products and services;
o offering optimal, up-to-date security solutions for mobile devices and IT systems;
o obtaining further knowledge of current threats to network security in order to update our security solutions; and
o we need to do so in order to perform our contractual obligations with our customers and third-party providers.
5. Disclosure of Personal Data to Third Parties
We may share your Personal Data within the Zetatech group for the purposes described above.
We may also share your Personal Data outside of the Zetatech group for the following purposes:
· with our business partners. For example, this could include our partners from whom you or your company or your organization purchased Zetatech products. Personal Data will only be transferred to a business partner who is contractually obliged to comply with appropriate data protection obligations and the relevant privacy and confidentiality legislation;
· distributors and resellers who are authorized to sell Zetatech products in order to provide sales services;
· with third party agents and contractors for the purposes of providing services to us (for example, Zetatech’s accountants, professional advisors and IT and communications providers). These third parties will be subject to appropriate data protection obligations and they will only use your Personal Data as described in this Privacy Policy;
· to the extent required by law, for example if we are under a duty to disclose your Personal Data in order to comply with any legal obligation (including, without limitation, in order to comply with tax reporting requirements and disclosures to regulators), or to establish, exercise or defend its legal rights;
· if we sell our business or assets, in which case we may need to disclose your Personal Data to the prospective buyer for due diligence purposes; and
· if we are acquired by a third party, in which case the Personal Data held by us about you will be disclosed to the third party buyer.
6. What about links to other websites and social media?
The Website may contain references (e.g. via hyperlinks) to other websites or apps, which are offered by third parties. Zetatech is not responsible for the processing of your Personal Data via these websites or apps. Zetatech advises you to check the privacy policies, the terms and conditions of these websites and apps before downloading the apps or using their service. This Privacy Policy applies only to the Website and your use of such third party websites and apps is at your own risk.
7. How are your Personal Data protected?
Zetatech strives to protect your Personal Data by means of technical and organizational measures, such as firewalls and secure servers so that access to your Personal Data is limited to authorised employees.
8. Marketing Communications
You can opt-out of marketing communications we send you at any time by clicking on the “unsubscribe” link in the marketing e-mails we send you or by contacting us using the details set out under the “Contact Us” section below.
9. International Transfers of Your Personal Data
Our products and services are delivered through resources and servers located in different places, to offer our products and services, we may need to transfer your personal data among several countries. These countries may have different privacy standards that differ from the country/region where you entered the personal data. Please note that data processed in another country may be subject to different laws and may be accessible to government, judicial, law enforcement, and regulatory agencies in those countries. However, we will take appropriate measures to safeguard your rights in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
For how long Zetatech will hold your Personal Data will vary and will be determined by the following criteria:
· The purpose for which Zetatech is using it: Zetatech is required to retain the Personal Data for as long as is necessary to satisfy or meet the purpose for which it was obtained or any other legal purpose.
· Legal Obligations: Laws or regulations may set a minimum period for which Zetatech must retain your Personal Data.
With respect to personal data coming from the EU or UK or Switzerland, we comply with applicable legal requirements providing adequate safeguards for the transfer of personal data to countries outside of the European Economic Area ("EEA") or UK or Switzerland.
· the country that we send the data to might be approved by the European Commission as offering an adequate level of protection for personal information;
· the recipient might have signed up to a contract based on “model contractual clauses” approved by the European Commission, obliging them to protect your Personal Data;
· in other circumstances the law may permit us to otherwise transfer your Personal Data outside the EEA or UK or Switzerland.
We may also use a variety of legal mechanisms, such as standard contractual clauses to implement the cross-border transfer of your personal data, or implement security measures like anonymization on the data before the cross border data transfer. You can obtain more details of the protection given to your Personal Data when it is transferred outside the EEA or UK or Switzerland by contacting us using the details set out under the “Contact Us” section below.
In all the above cases in which we collect, use or store your Personal Data, you may have the following rights:
· the right to obtain information regarding the processing of your Personal Data and access to the Personal Data which we hold about you;
· the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of your Personal Data at any time. Please note, however, that we may still be entitled to process your Personal Data if we have another legitimate reason for doing so. For example, we may need to retain Personal Data to comply with a legal obligation;
· in some circumstances, the right to receive some Personal Data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and/or request that we transmit those data to a third party where this is technically feasible. Please note that this right only applies to Personal Data which you have provided directly to Zetatech;
· the right to request that we rectify your Personal Data if it is inaccurate or incomplete;
· the right to request that we erase your Personal Data in certain circumstances. Please note that there may be circumstances where you ask us to erase your Personal Data but we are legally entitled to retain it;
· the right to object to, or request that we restrict, our processing of your Personal Data in certain circumstances. Again, there may be circumstances where you object to, or ask us to restrict, our processing of your Personal Data but we are legally entitled to refuse that request; and
· the right to lodge a complaint with the relevant data protection regulator if you think that any of your rights have been infringed by us.
You can exercise your rights by contacting us using the details set out under the “Contact Us” section below.
10. Children’s privacy
Children must not use the Website for any purpose, except where their parent or guardian has provided consent. Our Products and Services are not directed to, or intended for, individuals under the age of 18 and we do not knowingly collect personal information from individuals under the age of 18. If you believe that we have personal information of a child without parental/guardian consent, or if you are the parent or guardian of the user and wish to withdraw consent, please contact us at and we will delete such information.
11. Contact Us
If you have any further questions about the processing of your Personal Data, about the Website or about this Privacy Policy you can always contact us:
by e-mail:
by phone: 008615114075471
by mailing to
Zetatech international department
No. 88, Gunan Street, High-tech Zone, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, P.R. China